$100m Evolve Housing development delivers 268 properties including 128 vitally needed affordable homes and 10 critically needed social housing homes in the high need area of Western Sydney
The official opening of the Harts Landing mixed tenure, residential development takes place on Tuesday 29 May 2018 at 10.00am at 1-39 Lord Sheffield Ct, Penrith.
The development will be officially opened by Andrea Galloway – Managing Director and CEO of Community Housing Provider Evolve Housing, Mr Dominic Sullivan – Director PAYCE, Minister Pru Goward MP- Minister for Family and Community Services, Minister for Social Housing, and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and Minister Stuart Ayres MP – Minister for Western Sydney and Minister for West Connex.
In Penrith, the expected social housing waiting time for a two-bedroom dwelling is over 10 years[1]. Innovative mixed tenure development, Harts Landing, is filling a critical gap on the housing spectrum by providing 128 affordable homes and 10 social housing properties.
- 40 families who meet social housing income eligibility have been housed in affordable housing.
- 4 families have moved from social housing or transitional housing into affordable housing at Harts Landing.
- All 128 Evolve Housing owned properties were tenanted in less than 8 weeks.
Managing Director and CEO of Evolve Housing, Andrea Galloway said:
“We’re seeing the social housing waitlist grow, in part because there is not enough affordable housing to assist those who are borderline and being placed into housing stress and homelessness due to the expensive private rental market.”
“This exceptional development is the result of innovative thinking about how to grow the supply of affordable housing within an integrated housing model. PAYCE our development partner, worked tirelessly on this journey with us and provided expertise, shared the risks and also the rewards.”
“I would like to thank both the State and Federal Governments for their contribution in the provision of National Rental Affordability Scheme incentives for affordable housing. These incentives assist in funding the discount to market rent for the affordable homes and if they were not available the project financials would not have stacked up to enable Evolve Housing to deliver such a great outcome for the community.”
“At Evolve Housing we don’t just build housing, we help empower residents to build communities by putting the right conditions in place. Affordable housing such as this, which is well located close to transport, jobs and amenities, provides a genuine stepping stone from social housing to private housing and has the capacity to break the cycle of intergenerational disadvantage.”
Director PAYCE, Dominic Sullivan, said “PAYCE is delighted to have delivered Harts Landing in conjunction with Evolve Housing. This unique development showcases how community housing providers and private developers can work together to provide residents a place where the whole community can enjoy a great lifestyle and interact with their surroundings. Harts Landing’s location presented a great opportunity to create something special in urban renewal on a site that was vacant land close to a great deal of amenity.”
Harts Landing is a partnership mixed tenure development between Evolve Housing (a Community Housing Provider) and PAYCE that has resulted in 268 apartments, with 10 of these being earmarked for social housing dwellings, 128 affordable housing dwellings and 130 private market housing dwellings. As part of the vibrant Thornton Estate community, these apartments will be home for over 500 people in the heart of Western Sydney where the need for affordable housing is crucial.
The average Sydney rental reached $550 per week in December 2017[2]. This has pushed many low, and even middle-income, families into housing stress as they struggle to afford housing payments on top of the high cost of living in Sydney. Action is needed now to deal with the housing crisis and to support those working families living in housing stress. Harts Landing is an example of such action being taken.
Affordable housing means eligible residents, such as key workers, who pay discounted market rent. In this instance, rent is set at 74.9% of market rent.
Social housing is secure and affordable rental housing for people on low incomes with housing needs. Generally, rent is set at 25% of a household income plus Commonwealth Rent Assistance.
About Evolve Housing
Evolve Housing is one of the largest Community Housing Providers (CHP) in Australia with over 3400 properties under management in NSW. Our properties are located across 38 local government areas with 60% located in the high need area of Western Sydney. We fundamentally believe it’s everyone’s right to a home, somewhere they can feel safe, secure and engage with the community. We provide our residents with support and opportunities to help them maintain their tenancies, improve their well-being and enhance their ability to participate within their community and the broader economy.
Evolve Housing Managing Director and CEO Ms Andrea Galloway is available for interviews.
Tenant interviews can be arranged on request.
[1] https://www.facs.nsw.gov.au/housing/help/applying-assistance/expected-waiting-times
[2] Domain Rental & House Price Report December Quarter 2017 https://www.domain.com.au/product/domain-house-price-report-december-2017/