Evolve Housing for Youth (EHY) launches 12 month Mental Health Education, Pathways and Partnerships Project

A 12 month project to build additional capability to support EHY clients in need of mental health services is about to kick off thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Cumberland Council Stronger Communities Fund.
The Mental Health Education, Pathways and Partnerships Project will employ a Mental Health Professional and will focus on further developing referral pathways, networks and partnerships to ensure mental health services are delivered to clients in a streamlined, timely and effective way.
EHY, a division of Evolve Housing, provides supported transitional accommodation for young people from 16 to 25 years of age and their accompanying children. In addition to housing services EHY provide case management and coordination addressing client’s needs, including Mental Health, Domestic and Family Violence (DFV), Alcohol and other Drugs and Abuse.
Intake numbers show that over 25% of EHY clients have indications of mental health needs, however as we get to know the clients and trust is established additional mental health needs are uncovered. With the security of a home provided by EHY, it’s possible to address mental health problems and profoundly change lives. While access to safe, affordable and appropriate housing has been shown to improve health, mental health and well-being, housing alone is not the complete solution.
Evolve Housing CEO Andrea Galloway said “the young people EHY support often come from very challenging circumstances in life and have a range of complex needs including mental health issues. This project will build our capacity to provide targeted mental health referrals to appropriate services along with the ongoing support these young people need to reach their full potential.”
The age of the clients and the complex nature of the support required by EHY clients has, in the past, presented a barrier to effectively connecting clients with Mental Health services. The resources, partnerships and referral pathways developed by the project will be able to be leveraged by other services in the local area within the Mental Health space and will improve Mental Health outcomes for vulnerable young people across the Cumberland area.
Evolve Housing for Youth will be hosting an open day at their Merrylands office on 22 September 2017 from 10am-2pm inviting the community into their office to understand the work they do. Key guests attending the open day include Dr Hugh McDermott MP Member for Prospect and Ms Julia Finn MP Member for Granville; as well as support partners including Cumberland Council, Parramatta Mission, Holroyd Youth Service, NSW Health, Merrylands and Rose Hill Police Liaison officers, and Granville TAFE, among others.