Left to right Piyush Bhatt, Chatmaine Steele, Judy Gould, Charile Souma, Andrea Galloway, Paul O’Neil, Catherrine King, Bruce Stubbs, Rob Costa, Micheal Gherm
Evolve Housing has been awarded the honour of joint Community Housing Provider (CHP) of the Year at the NSW Federation of Housing Associations annual NSW Awards for Excellence in Community Housing. Evolve Housing shares the 2016 award with Central Coast based CHP Pacific Link Housing.
Andrea Galloway, Evolve Housing CEO was honoured to accept the award on behalf of the organisation for the second year in a row.
“This award is a testament to the dedicated Evolve Housing team who work tirelessly to provide holistic and ongoing support to Evolve Housing tenants and residents. As the issue of housing affordability and homelessness continues to dominate the Australian conversation it is more important than ever to advocate for continued investment in social and affordable housing,” said Ms Galloway.
As the joint state winner, Evolve Housing will now be entered in to the Australasian Awards where the winners will be announced at the 2016 National Housing Conference later this year.
Evolve Housing was recognized as Community Housing Provider of the year for providing person centre housing solutions and support to residents, using sustainable innovative funding and partnership models that generate revenue used to grow housing supply. Demonstrating excellence in community housing Evolve creates innovative blue prints that are used to grow housing supply, producing inclusive thriving communities that empower residents on their journey to greater independence. Evolve’s organisational excellence and ability to innovate resulted in 7 commercial and industry recognised awards during 2015/16.
Evolve Housing prides itself on being one of Australia’s largest Community Housing Providers (CHPs), with approximately 4,200 social and affordable housing properties owned or managed that are home to 12,000 people who were homeless or in housing stress.