The Friendship Aged Network (FAN) is a social group for residents over 50 years of age, who live alone or are socially isolated. All residents who sign up to the FAN will receive a regular phone call from a volunteer resident to see how they’re doing, have a chat, and connect them to services or events they may be interested in.
Friendship Aged Network (FAN) Factsheet
Did you know?
- Around a third of older Australians experience loneliness.
- Social isolation and loneliness are linked with poor health, while having strong community connections is linked with health improvements.
Program benefits
- Brings residents together and builds friendship among members
- Breaks through the barriers of isolation and builds links with the wider community
- Improves general wellbeing by encouraging recreational activities and workshops.
Who can join the FAN?
- Evolve Housing residents who are over 50 years of age and living alone.
How do I apply?
- You will need to fill out a short application form, then you can be added to the FAN and start
receiving phone calls.
Can I volunteer to make the phone calls?
- Absolutely. We’re looking to increase our volunteers in this service so we can expand the program to support more FAN members. Those with language skills are particularly encouraged. Contact us to apply.
Please note: The official text of the Evolve Housing website, and of each of the documents and other information available on the website, is the English version.