Evolve Housing residents have a right to live peacefully in their property and to live in harmony with their neighbours. Residents must follow the nuisance and annoyance conditions under their Residential Tenancy Agreement. These conditions include being responsible for their own behaviour and the behaviour of visitors and occupants at their property.
Neighbourhood Disputes Factsheet
Neighbourhood Disputes, Complaints, Nuisances and Annoyances
Evolve Housing suggests that you talk to your neighbour about the problem
You can try to solve the problem by talking with your neighbours or through a mediator. Evolve Housing has information on resolving disputes, and we can refer you to a local Community Justice Centre where an independent mediator may help you resolve your dispute. Evolve Housing will not be involved in this process as an advocate or third party.
When you should contact the authorities:
- The local council, if you think the other person has breached council by-laws on loud music, barking dogs, overgrown trees, parking issues etc.
- The police, if you feel unsafe and at risk or you think the other person may have broken the law.
Complaints about Evolve Housing residents
Evolve Housing can investigate your dispute and complaints if it involves possible breaches of the tenancy agreement by another Evolve Housing resident, and if you have first tried to resolve the problem yourself. If the problem continues for a long time and represents a serious nuisance or annoyance that causes interference with the peace, comfort, or privacy of others, then put your complaint to Evolve Housing in writing.
You will need to include these details in writing:
- Your full name and home address.
- Details of the person you have a dispute with.
- Details of the complaint and any supporting documentation, including what you have done to try to solve the problem.
- The date of the incident(s).
Complaints about non-Evolve Housing residents
Evolve Housing usually cannot investigate complaints about non-Evolve Housing residents. However, you can still submit a written complaint to us and we will consider if we have the responsibility as your landlord to intervene.
Evolve Housing will take action if you have a neighbourhood dispute or complaint with an Evolve Housing tenancy:
- Evolve Housing will investigate the complaint immediately and seek proof of your claims.
- All complaints will be treated as confidential – we will not give your identity to the other resident unless you give us written permission to give it out.
- Evolve Housing will keep you updated on the outcome within 20 working days.
- Evolve Housing will usually give the other resident the opportunity to change their behaviour if your complaint shows a breach of the Residential Tenancy Agreement.
- Evolve Housing may consider legal action through the NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) to solve a breach of the tenancy agreement.
Where to get more information:
For more information or answers to any questions, please contact the Community Justice Centre on 1800 990 777 (free call) or the Evolve Housing head office:
Address: Henry Dodd House, 9-13 Argyle Street, Parramatta NSW 2150
Phone: 1300 692 245 or 02 8862 1500
Email: info@evolvehousing.com.au
Please note: The official text of the Evolve Housing website, and of each of the documents and other information available on the website, is the English version.