Yesterday, Evolve Housing hosted our most recent Imaginate event – this time in Blacktown.
The theme was Little Athletes and aimed to bring out the little athlete in our residents!
The day was a big success, with fun and inclusive sporting activities enjoyed by all.
The kids enjoyed making smoothies, generated by exercise bikes. The flavour of the day was banana and strawberry and the cool drinks were refreshing on a hot day.
Apple slinky wars were competitive, where kids spiraled and ate their apples. They competed to see whose slinky was the longest without breaking!
While learning about the benefits of fruits and veggies, Motiv8sports joined in on the fun. Their team got the kids excited about sport, learning about teamwork and sportsmanship in a fun and safe environment.
Our community engagement team chatted with the adults about Evolve Housing programs such as Go! Grants, which aims to support our residents financially with their sports costs.
FINAL PLACES LEFT | Our next Imaginate Little Athletes event is in Bankstown on the 10th October. Register: