If a tenant leaves the property due to imprisonment, death or other reasons, Evolve Housing may agree to transfer the tenant’s property rights to another member of their household. Evolve Housing will not approve a request for succession of tenancy if the tenant vacates the property for personal reasons or their own choice.
Succession of Tenancy Factsheet
Household members who may be eligible for succession of tenancy:
- Spouse (husband or wife)
- De facto partners (including same-sex partners)
- Adult household members over 18 years of age
- Legal guardians/custodians of children of the household
- Carers
The household member (applicant) must:
- Meet social housing eligibility criteria.
- Not be an unsatisfactory or ineligible former tenant.
- Be an approved additional occupant of the household.
- Be included on existing and previous applications for rent subsidies (if the tenant receives a rent subsidy).
- Have had a satisfactory occupation within the tenancy for two years before the request for succession, or for the whole tenancy if it has been for less than two years.
- Repay any debts from previous tenancies
- Submit their application at least 21 days before the tenant leaves the property (only if possible). If reasons for the application involve death, sudden illness or imprisonment, then the applicant should apply as soon as possible.
How to apply
- Evolve Housing may give you an allowance if you have health problems, a disability or live in a large household of six or more people.
- You can request for an allowance by speaking to your Housing Manager.
- Tenants with a shared water meter are not eligible for the large household allowance.
Please note: The official text of the Evolve Housing website, and of each of the documents and other information available on the website, is the English version.