Tenant Transfer Factsheet

Transfer Applications for community housing tenants

Please note: The official text of the Evolve Housing website, and of each of the documents and other information available on the website, is the English version.

What is a transfer?

A social housing tenant can request a transfer if their circumstances have changed in a way that has caused their current housing to no longer be suitable.

Who is eligible?

All tenants eligible for social housing are eligible to apply for a transfer, however, the request must be made for a valid reason and will only be approved on the grounds outlined in the Evolve Housing Transfer Policy. You must also have lived in your current property for a minimum of 12 months.

Your Housing Manager will assess your application and you will be advised of the outcome within 20 days.

Evolve Housing tenants who wish to be considered for a housing transfer are required to apply and be assessed according to the Evolve Housing Transfer Policy, and the Housing Pathways procedure.

What are the grounds for transfer?

In order to be eligible, you must be up-to-date with all your payments and able to provide documented evidence to support your application made for a valid reason:

Below is a list of grounds for priority transfer, and examples of evidence requirements:

  • Being at risk (e.g. domestic violence, child abuse or threatening behaviour) – Police reports, AYO, letters from Doctors, medical reports
  • Serious medical condition/disability – Police reports, AYO, letters from Doctors, medical reports
  • Serious or ongoing harassment – Police reports, CJC, AVOs, letter from Support Worker, proof of seeking alternative resolution
  • Gaining or changing employment – Letter from employer to confirm requirement of employee to move for the job etc
  • Severe overcrowding – Age and gender of all household members, proof of income etc
  • Compassionate grounds – Medical assessment, report or letter from relevant Support Agency
  • Family breakdown – Evidence of legal separation, letters or reports from Support Workers, Centrelink confirmation, evidence of new address
  • Tenancy reinstatement – Tenant to substantiate reason for vacating dwelling – under duress or residential custodial facility etc – Proof of meeting Social Housing eligibility criteria – Reapply within six months of vacating property.
  • Under-occupancy – Number of household members and bedrooms

Below is a list of grounds for wait-turn transfer, and examples of evidence requirements:

  • Moderate overcrowding – Age and gender of all household members, proof of income etc

How to apply for a transfer

You will need to fill in the forms obtained from your Housing Manager complete with the relevant supporting evidence attached, including the Housing Pathways Transfer Supplement and Application for Housing Assistance Forms available at Housing Pathways.

You will also need to provide evidence that your household income does not exceed the income limits for social housing, as per the eligibility requirements for Social Housing.

I am eligible - what next?

If your application and supporting evidence deems you eligible for a housing transfer, you will be placed on the waiting list and your wait time will be dependent on your current situation, reason for applying and housing need

Waiting times vary depending on the area you have selected


Information about appealing declined transfers can be found in the Complaints and Appeals fact sheets. Declined transfers can be appealed by submitting an Appeals Form stating why you disagree with the decision.

In the case that you are unhappy with the outcome of the Evolve Housing appeal process, you may appeal to the independent Housing Appeals Committee.

Where to get more information

For more information or answers to any questions, please visit or contact the Evolve Housing head office:

Address: Henry Dodd House

9-13 Argyle Street, Parramatta NSW 2150

Phone:    1300 692 245 or 02 8862 1500

Email:      info@evolvehousing.com.au

Please note: The official text of the Evolve Housing website, and of each of the documents and other information available on the website, is the English version.