Supported Housing Factsheet

Evolve Housing is committed to participate effectively in the early intervention and prevention of homelessness. Evolve Housing recognises that housing alone is not enough to solve homelessness or achieve a successful tenancy; affordable housing must be matched with appropriate client focused support.

Supported Housing is a three-way partnership between Evolve Housing, Support Providers and the clients of the Support Providers. Evolve Housing offers the housing for the clients on a short-term to medium-term basis while the agency working with their client provides for their support needs.

Targeted Groups

  • Young people
  • Aboriginal people
  • Elderly people who require support to live independently
  • People with mental illness
  • Women and children
  • Victims of domestic or family violence
  • People leaving correctional facilities
  • Refugees and migrants
  • People with disability – physical or intellectual

How does it work?

Evolve Housing  has formal written agreements with all its partners who provide support to their clients. The support providers choose who they want placed in the allocated house.  All potential tenants must fit the support provider’s eligibility criteria, Evolve Housings target group and have an active application on Housing Pathways. Applicants must also meet Housing Pathways income eligibility limits.

Tenancies are all fixed term leases for an initial 3-6 month period and then either the tenant exits Evolve Housing or a further fixed term lease with Evolve Housing is negotiated.

Where can I get more information?

For more information or answers to any questions, please visit or contact the Evolve Housing head office:

Address: Henry Dodd House 9-13 Argyle Street, Parramatta NSW 2150

Phone:1300 692 245 or 02 8862 1500

Please note: The official text of the Evolve Housing website, and of each of the documents and other information available on the website, is the English version.