Resident Advisory Group (RAG)
What is the Resident Advisory Group?
RAG is a forum that offers residents the opportunity to provide their feedback to Evolve Housing on important matters including our policies, procedures, events and programs. Our members meet monthly to discuss specific topics and are offered the opportunity to invite guest speakers of interest from Evolve’s business units to gain knowledge on specific processes, raise concerns or suggest ideas for consideration.
Who are the RAG?
Evolve Housing RAG comprises of 15 members from across various blocks and Local Government Areas whom volunteer their time and commit to being the voice for residents.
Our members represent a range of cultural backgrounds and ages, and bring a wealth of knowledge, ideas and skills to supporting Evolve make the best possible decisions on matters that impact our residents.
Key objectives of the RAG
- Provide feedback on our programs and services
- Support Evolve Housing staff understand what it is like to be a resident
- Tell us what events and programs you would like us to provide for residents.
- Make recommendations and suggestions to help us do better
- Provide ideas and suggestions on social activities for residents
Who can join the RAG?
The Resident Advisory Group is governed by a Terms of Reference that was developed with input from residents. The groups capacity is 15 members, should a vacancy arise within the group, nominations are considered by the RAG members to fill the vacancy.
We aim to engage a diverse mix of people to represent the interests of all of our residents, and particularly encourage involvement by:
- young people;
- people from non-English speaking backgrounds;
- single people;
- couples and parents;
- people who identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander;
- people with disabilities;
- older people;
- People from the LGBTQI community.
You don’t need any special skills; your English doesn’t need to be perfect; you don’t need to know how to use a computer or have access to the internet.
Apply to join the RAG today!
If you’d prefer to mail us your hard-copy application download the form below and mail it to P.O. Box W124 Parramatta Westfield, NSW 2150
Click here for your downloadable form. Once completed please email your copy to
Join Your Local Resident Group
Meet your neighbours, share ideas, and strengthen your community by joining your local resident group. Local Resident Groups (LRGs) meet to discuss and organise social activities for their neighbourhoods/blocks. This is an opportunity to share your ideas and a great way to meet other residents who live in your neighbourhood.
Each LRG decides how often it wants to meet and what issues to discuss. We will help you to set up and facilitate your first meetings to start you on the way to independently running the group.
Contact the Community team at or call the community team on 1800 693 865 to find out about a Local Resident Group in your area.