Electronic Verification of Rent (EVoR)
EVoR is a secure, automated process which lets us send limited information about your rent to the Agency electronically.
This will save you having to personally complete a Rent Certificate or tell the Agency every time your rent amount changes.
There are still things you must tell Centrelink such as:
- if you change your address
- if your relationship status changes
- if you start or stop sharing your accommodation
- if you sell or purchase real estate
How does it work?
Each time there is a change in your rent amount, the new amount will be updated with the Agency electronically.
What details will we send to the department?
We will advise the Agency of:
- your Customer Reference Number, name, address,
date of birth, relationship status
- the amount of rent you pay, and
- the date you started paying the rent amount.
How will the information be used?
- The information will be used by the Agency to assess your eligibility for and rate of Commonwealth Rent Assistance.
Centrelink Confirmation eServices (CCeS) – Income Confirmation
CCeS is an electronic service that allows you to authorise the Agency to provide or confirm your Centrelink details directly to/with us. This saves you having to obtain the details from Centrelink yourself to provide to us.
How does it work?
With your consent, the Agency will send your details to us electronically so we can assess your eligibility for services we provide.
What details will the Agency send to us through CCeS?
Only information that we need will be provided or confirmed by the Agency. This may include:
- name, address, concession card status, income, assets, shared care arrangements, partner status
- the type of pension or payment, and the amount and date paid
- amounts being deducted from your Centrelink payments (for example Child Support or Centrepay),
- details of any other income you have told the department about.
What if some household members choose not to participate in CCeS, or don’t receive Centrelink payments?
Household members who don’t or can’t authorise us to use CCeS will be required to provide proof of their income. This means if they receive a Centrelink payment they will need to request an income statement from The Agency to provide to us.
If they do not receive Centrelink payments, they will need to provide other details of their income, for example, wage slips.
It remains the applicant or tenant’s responsibility to make sure income details of all household members are available when required.
How will the information be used?
The information will be used by us to assess your entitlement to services we provide such as reduced rent and ongoing eligibility for housing assistance based on our policy.