Complaints Factsheet


Complaints provide valuable feedback to help Evolve Housing learn and improve our skills, processes and services. Evolve Housing is committed to handling complaints objectively, effectively and in a timely manner with the aim of ensuring that all residents have a good experience with Evolve Housing.

Purpose of Evolve Housing’s Complaints Management Policy

The policy outlines Evolve Housing and its controlled entities’ (with the exception of Evolve Housing Vic Limited) approach to the management of formal complaints and ensures a consistent and systematic methodology to managing and monitoring complaints received by the Complaints Officer.

What is a complaint under Evolve Housing’s Complaints Management Policy?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the standard or type of service provided by Evolve Housing, which is made by an external person or organisation (complainant), and where the complainant had expected or is requesting a different outcome or result.

What is NOT a complaint covered by our Complaints Management Policy?

The following are examples of matters that are NOT a complaint under the Policy:

  • complaints received and handled by frontline staff (i.e. the person who a complainant has direct contact with on a day-to-day basis such as a Housing Manager, Technical Officer etc.) that have not been escalated to the Complaints Officer;
  • decisions covered by Evolve Housing’s Appeals Policy (e.g. a decision around eligibility for social housing);
  • complaints relating to neighbour disputes which are covered under Evolve Housing’s Neighbour Disputes Policy;
  • standard service enquiries or requests to Evolve Housing for information, approval or action;
  • feedback including opinions and comments which do not require a response;
  • issues that fall outside the jurisdiction of Evolve Housing such as matters for other agencies including Centrelink, Child Protection Agency and NSW Police;
  • complaints between an Evolve Housing resident and external contractor not engaged by Evolve Housing; and
  • matters which have already been escalated to another forum such as a Court or NCAT.


How to make a complaint

You can make a complaint through the following ways:

Complaint Form – Website or hard copy

Letter – via post to: Henry Dodd House 9-13 Argyle Street Parramatta 2150 NSW

Email –

Telephone – 1800 MYEVOLVE (1800 693 865)

To an Evolve Housing employee – In person (eg. the office, an event, property inspection)

Tenant Portal –