Resident Rights and Responsibilities Factsheet

Evolve Housing staff and tenants have legal responsibilities that are set out in the Residential Tenancies Act 2010.  For more details contact us

Evolve Housing has also written a Customer Charter which outlines the high standard of service that you can expect from Evolve Housing. Your Residents Council reviewed this charter and agreed that it will help us provide good service to our residents.

What can you expect from us?

  • Our staff will treat you fairly, equally, with dignity and with respect
  • You will have the opportunity to have your say
  • We will promote individual freedom of expression
  • We will support active decision making and individual choice in a number of formats to support individuals and carers to make informed choices
  • You will be listened to by our staff
  • Our actions will show honesty and integrity
  • We will respect your privacy at all times
  • Our staff will be open about their mistakes and will correct them quickly
  • You will be informed of your rights
  • We will ensure breaches of your rights are addressed
  • You will be given realistic expectations of what we can provide
  • We will continue to improve our services
  • We will refer you to other services for information and support

In addition to all of the above we will place further preventative measures in place to ensure you are free from discrimination, exploitation, abuse, harm and neglect from our service.

How quickly will we respond to you?

  • We will call you back within 24 hours if you ring us and the person you want to talk to is not available
  • We will be on time for appointments if you want to talk to someone face-to-face
  • We will see you within 30 minutes if you don’t have an appointment and want to talk to someone face-to-face
  • We will acknowledge your letter within two days, and will try our best to respond with a solution within 20 working days
  • We will acknowledge your email within two days, and will try our best to respond with a solution within 20 working days
  • We will make interpreters available to help you for free
  • We will make sure that our residents know who is their Housing Manager

How can you help us help you?

  • Treat our staff with courtesy and respect
  • Try not to cancel your appointments – if you need to change your appointment time or are running late, please ring us as soon as possible
  • Provide us with accurate and up-to-date information about your needs and circumstances
  • Tells us about changes to your needs or circumstances as soon as possible

Give us honest feedback about our services

  • Address: Henry Dodd House, 9-13 Argyle Street, Parramatta NSW 2150
  • Phone:    1300 692 245 or 02 8862 1500
  • Email:

Please note: The official text of the Evolve Housing website, and of each of the documents and other information available on the website, is the English version.